Monday, October 3, 2016

Dracula's bride

If the Count returned, to find that Mina Harker is dead and were to seek a bride, who would it be?

I think, he may choose one from the following five amazing women from fiction, matching Mina in her spirit and enigma.

1. Lisbeth Salander from the Girl with the dragon tattoo (and the rest of the Millenium series)

This spunky and rebellious hero packs much more than a punch, as seen in the way in which she gets back at her abusive care taker in the novel.

2. Amy Dunne from Gone Girl

I read Amy as a multi-layered woman, and as someone yearning for love. The fiercely romantic Count, with her, would be a steamy scene. 

3. Irene Adler from A Scandal in Bohemia (an episode from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)

As Watson puts it, "To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name"

4. Daenerys Targaryen from A Song of Ice and Fire series

... and the Count would be at each other's throats, literally.

5. Subhadra from MarthandaVarma (a historical novel in Malayalam language)

She epitomizes the liberated and free spirited Nair woman, going by her free will, above everything else, to choose her love and loyalty.

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